Your Visit to the Theatre

Beginning of the performance & late entry
Our performances usually begin on time. Audience members who arrive late can only be admitted at the instruction of the front of house staff. We hope that you will understand that a late entry cannot be granted immediately for some performances and not at all for others.

Mobile phones
Before the beginning of the show and after the interval, please make sure that you have switched off the signal tones of your mobile phone and other electronic devices to avoid acoustic and technical disturbances.

Recordings of images, sound and video
Please note that recordings of sound and/or images from our shows with any kind of electronic devices are strictly prohibited. Violations of this rule are punishable according to copyright law.

Checking your jackets, coats, backpacks and large bags as well as umbrellas serves your comfort and everyone’s safety. Our free cloakroom service is therefore mandatory.

Programme brochures
A programme brochure featuring scene photos, selected texts on the production and participants’ biographies is published for each production of Schauspiel Leipzig. You can purchase programme brochures from the front of house staff, the box office and the webshop.

Introductions to the productions
We offer introductions to numerous productions presented on the Main Stage at the Rangfoyer (the circle foyer). Please note that there is a limited audience number for this free service. In addition, digital introductions can be scanned via QR-codes and played on your smart phone. These audio-files can also be accessed via our website at any time.
In all of our venues, we host post-show talks with production members at regular intervals.
The dates for post-show talks and introductions can be found in our programme schedule.

Book counter
Pay a visit to the book counter in the foyer of the Schauspielhaus, a co-operation between the theatre and the Hugendubel-bookshop. You will always find a well-assorted range of books aligned with our programme as well as merchandise items of Schauspiel Leipzig. Please note that cash payment only is possible at the book counter.

Booster cushions
Booster cushions may be borrowed free of charge from the cloakroom counter. Only a limited number is available.

Do I need to print out my online ticket?
You do not need to bring your digital ticket (shipping option: “TicketDirekt”) to the door of the venue in printed form. It is enough to present your ticket on your mobile phone. Our front of house staff will simply scan the QR-code on your ticket.

Taxi service
You can order a taxi for your journey home via our cloakroom staff, either before the show or during the interval.

Lost property
Did you lose something when you visited one of our performances? We keep all lost property at a central storage. Don’t hesitate to contact us on: