Michael Pempelforth
Michael Pempelforth was born in Düsseldorf in 1966. After studying German Philology and History, he trained as an actor at Hamburgisches Schauspiel-Studio Hildburg Freese from 1992 to 1995. After his first engagement at Hamburg’s “Theater im Zimmer”, Michael Pempelforth joined Hans Otto Theater in Potsdam. This was followed by engagements at Südthüringisches Staatstheater Meiningen and Theater Chemnitz. He has worked with directors including Karl Georg Kayser, Katja Paryla, Johanna Schall, Thomas Bischoff, Bruno Cathomas, Claudia Bauer, Sascha Hawemann, Marc Lunghuß, Nuran David Calis, Dieter Boyer, Enrico Lübbe and Mateja Koležnik. His most important roles include Shakespeare’s Romeo, Hofmannsthal’s Jedermann, Lessing’s Nathan, Faust in Goethe’s “Urfaust”, Macduff in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”, the Dissector in “Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung” as well as Salieri in Shaffer’s “Amadeus” and the Captain in Büchner’s “Woyzeck”. Michael Pempelforth has been a freelance teacher at Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” in Leipzig and has worked in numerous radio and television productions.
Michael Pempelforth has been a company member of Schauspiel Leipzig since August 2013.
Michael Pempelforth has been a company member of Schauspiel Leipzig since August 2013.
Sat, 15.03. 20:00 — 21:45
with German sign language
Sun, 16.03. 16:00 — 17:15
Audio description, Child minding
Große Bühne
Fri, 21.03. 19:30 — 20:50
Foyer 1
Sold out
leftover tickets
at the boxoffice
leftover tickets
at the boxoffice
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Possibly remaining tickets can be purchased at the box office.
But there are possibly tickets available. Please try again later or contact our call center at 0341 / 12 68 168.
Possibly remaining tickets can be purchased at the box office.
Fri, 28.03. 20:30 — 22:15
with German sign language
Fri, 04.04. 20:00 — 21:45
with German sign language
Wed, 30.04. 20:00 — 21:45
with German sign language
3 in
fünf minuten stille
Jeff Wailer / Mr Averige / Mrs Honeycrunch in
Altbau in zentraler Lage (UA)
Stanley, First Murderer, Second Citizen in
Richard III
Doktor in
Aigeus, King of Athens in
Michel Houillé in
Der Gott des Gemetzels (God of Carnage)
priest in
Der Besuch der alten Dame
Schlurcker / Wanderer / Kutscher / Peter Munks Sohn in
Das kalte Herz (Heart of Stone)
Guiseppe Givola in
Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui (The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui)
Elwood P. Dowd in
Mein Freund Harvey / My Friend Harvey
Boss Tom Finley in
Süßer Vogel Jugend / Sweet Bird of Youth
Leo / SA-Mann in
Jeder stirbt für sich allein / Die Leipziger Meuten
Fred in
Eugen, Yolanda, Polizist in
Angst essen Seele auf
Schürzinger in
Kasimir und Karoline
Dareios (Die Perser) in
Die Maßnahme / Die Perser
Arzt in
Der Minusmensch
Vincent Hagen, Jasper Hauff-Samel, Klaus Nöhler, Sven Schubert in
Das Tierreich