euro-scene Leipzig


Dokumentarisches Musiktheater
Eva-Maria Bertschy (Palermo)
Co-production of euro-scene Leipzig
FREMDE SEELEN is an investigation. And just like any investigation, it is driven by the wish to shine light onto certain things that have taken place in an inexplicable way: the suicide of a pastor with Vietnamese origins in a small village in the Swiss alpine foothills at the beginning of the 2000s – only three years after taking on the post. It is Eva-Maria Bertschy’s mother’s village. This story is the point of departure for a monumental documentary work that the director expands onto the stage in various scenes and with innumerable voices. Her partner, the musician Kojack Kossakamvwe, and the well-known Tatort actress Carol Schuler meet Sister Nang, the mother, a pastor, the parish council, a choir and discuss, bear witness to and sing about a story in which those suffer violence who are considered foreigners.

The Swiss dramaturge and director Eva-Maria Bertschy researches between local and global history with a transnational team. In the field of tension between family history, questions of belief, migration, racism and cultural identity, they interweave a multi-level narrative on stage that speculates about the life of the priest and simultaneously explores their own points of contact and experience with being and feeling foreign.

Eva-Maria Bertschy and Kojack Kossakamvwe were already participants at euro-scene Leipzig in our coproduction THE GHOSTS ARE RETURNING (Group50:50) in 2022. This successful piece was nominated in the “Genrespringer (genre jumper)” category of the DER FAUST theater prize in 2023 and was also invited to the Swiss Theatertreffen.
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euro-scene Leipzig
34. Europäisches Tanz- und Theaterfestival
5. – 10. November 2024


French and German with German surtitles
From 14 years

Dates Schauspiel Leipzig Bosestraße 1, 04109 Leipzig
Sat, 09.11. 19:30 — 21:15
Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig Bosestraße 1, 04109 Leipzig
Sun, 10.11. 15:30 — 17:15
Audio description


ca. 1:45


Konzept + Text + Inszenierung: Eva-Maria Bertschy
Performance: Carol Schuler, Kojack Kossakamvwe
Mit: chorbeau – der deutschfranzösische Chor Leipzig
Mit einem Lied gesungen von: Lan Franière
Kostüme + Bühne: Ersan Mondtag
Bühnen- und Kostümassistenz: Lorenz Stöger
Musikalische Leitung + Komposition: Kojack Kossakamvwe
Lichtgestaltung: Sylvain Faye
Sounddesign: Fabien Lauton
Outside Eye + dramaturgische Unterstützung: Julia Reichert
Hospitanz Daria Thüringer
Tourmanagement: Camille Jamet, HerProduction
Übersetzung: Katia Flouest-Sell
Dank: an alle, die mit uns diese Geschichte und ihre Erfahrungen geteilt haben.
Audiodeskription: Beatrix Hermens, Matthias Huber, Cathi Matthies, Jana Rath, gefördert durch die Aktion Mensch
Mit Liedern von: Joseph Bovet, Kojack Kossakamvwe, Xuân Khài Huyèn, Ngoc Khánh
Mit Zitaten von: Paul Celan, Hannah Arendt, Birago Diop, Rainer Maria Rilke, Jean Améry, Doan Van Toai, James Baldwin

Produktion: Theater Neumarkt, Vorarlberger Landestheater
Koproduktion: Belluard Bollwerk International, euro-scene Leipzig
Unterstützung Kostüme: Das Bühnenbild und die Kostüme wurden in den Werkstätten des Theaters Neumarkt und des Vorarlberger Landestheaters hergestellt.
Unterstützung: Gwärtler Fonds, Marie Schindler Stiftung Dank Kulturförderbeitrag des Kantons Freiburg Präsentation mit Unterstützung von Südkulturfonds und Pro Helvetia

Kreation: Belluard Bollwerk International, Fribourg, 27. Juli 2024

Foto: Julie Folly