Rico Dietzmeyer
    Felicitas Erben
    Paul Heimel
    Jojo Rösler
    Johannes Cotta
    Johannes Cotta

    Compania Sincara plays "(K)Ein Sommernachtstraum"

    freely adapted from William Shakespeare
    A production by Compania Sincara
    The collective Compania Sincara received the Leipzig Movement Art Award in 2020. With its unique mask theatre art and a performance style between tradition and innovation, it has created one of the most unusual forms of theatre in the German-language region over the past years. At the core of the Compania’s artistic work are their mask characters: anarchistic clowns, relatives of Chaplin’s Charlie or Beckett’s Vladimir & Estragon. They notoriously cross boundaries, roam near and far to study people, and they love to tell us what they have found.

    In co-operation with Schaubühne Lindenfels and Schauspiel Leipzig, Compania Sincara has been playing Shakespeare since 2022 – but with a twist! At the Diskothek-venue of Schauspiel Leipzig, the company look at the tragedy of the Prince of Denmark. The mask characters tell this story comedically, with acute wit and in a new spirit: Kerbel, Waldemar and Eusebius are waiting – with Hamlet, because the time is out of joint. At Schaubühne Lindenfels, the clowns will continue playing Shakespeare with “Wie es euch gefällt oder Was ihr wollt (As you like it or Twelfth Night or what you will)”.

    In the autumn of 2024, the three will present a new Shakespeare production by the Compania, both at the Diskothek-venue of Schauspiel Leipzig and at Schaubühne Lindenfels.

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    Premiere on 24.10.2024


    Rico Dietzmeyer, Felicitas Erben, Paul Heimel, Jojo Rösler


    Johannes Cotta, Annegret Enderle


    Direction, Scenario & Translation: Rico Dietzmeyer
    Stage & Equipment: Lisa-Maria Totzke
    Masks & Scenography: Franziska Schubert
    Music & Composition: Johannes Cotta, Annegret Enderle
    Co-direction & light: Christoph Püngel
    Collaboration: Gerda Baumbach
    Assistant: Alejandro Duran


    Compania Sincara in co-production with Schauspiel Leipzig and Schaubühne Lindenfels, funded by the Cultural Office of the City of Leipzig.