Dirk Lange
Dirk Lange was born in Wolfenbüttel in 1967. He studied German Philology and Art History at TU Braunschweig and subsequently studied acting with Doris Kirchner in Hamburg. He was a company member of Staatstheater Braunschweig from 1997 to 2002 and then joined Schauspiel Köln until 2007. Before he joined the acting company of Theater Chemnitz in 2008, where he stayed until 2013, he performed as a guest at Maxim Gorki Theater, among others in a stage adaptation of Theodor Storm’s “Der Schimmelreiter”, directed by Armin Petras. Dirk Lange has worked with directors including Günter Krämer, Erik Gedeon, Albrecht Hirche, Frederike Heller, Nuran David Calis, Michael Talke, Mateja Koležnik and Enrico Lübbe.
Dirk Lange has been a company member of Schauspiel Leipzig since August 2013.
Dirk Lange has been a company member of Schauspiel Leipzig since August 2013.
Sun, 16.03. 16:00 — 17:15
Audio description, Child minding
Große Bühne
Sat, 22.03. 19:30 — 22:25
for the last time!, with english surtitles
Musical by Joe Masteroff, John Kander and Fred Ebb
Große Bühne
Sold out
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at the boxoffice
leftover tickets
at the boxoffice
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But there are possibly tickets available. Please try again later or contact our call center at 0341 / 12 68 168.
Possibly remaining tickets can be purchased at the box office.
But there are possibly tickets available. Please try again later or contact our call center at 0341 / 12 68 168.
Possibly remaining tickets can be purchased at the box office.
Thu, 24.04. 16:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Sold out
leftover tickets
at the boxoffice
leftover tickets
at the boxoffice
Currently we cannot offer online tickets.
But there are possibly tickets available. Please try again later or contact our call center at 0341 / 12 68 168.
Possibly remaining tickets can be purchased at the box office.
But there are possibly tickets available. Please try again later or contact our call center at 0341 / 12 68 168.
Possibly remaining tickets can be purchased at the box office.
Fri, 25.04. 16:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Fri, 25.04. 18:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Sat, 03.05. 18:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Sun, 04.05. 15:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Sat, 10.05. 16:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Sun, 11.05. 14:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Sun, 11.05. 16:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Sun, 18.05. 14:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Sun, 18.05. 16:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Wed, 21.05. 18:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Fri, 23.05. 16:00
Die Gläserne Kuh (UA)
Prüfbegehung der agra-Landwirtschaftsausstellung 1981
Theatre critic / Sea witch / Emperor / Andersen's grandfather in
Andersens Märchen (UA)
Bill/John in
Knöpfe (UA)
Conférencier in
Alain Reille in
Der Gott des Gemetzels (God of Carnage)
mayor in
Der Besuch der alten Dame
Steffen in
Widerstand (UA)
Woland / Strawinski / Afranius in
Meister und Margarita (The Master and Margarita)
Omar Gaffney, attorney for the Dowd family in
Mein Freund Harvey / My Friend Harvey
Valentine in
Hermann, Prince of the Cherusci in
Die Hermannsschlacht
Death in
Nacht ohne Sterne (DSE)
Kriminalpolizeianwärter Lutz in
Jeder stirbt für sich allein / Die Leipziger Meuten
Barbara in
Angst essen Seele auf
Agitator (Die Maßnahme) in
Die Maßnahme / Die Perser
Rimbaud / Rommstedt in
Frederick Fellowes, Philip Brent/sheik in
Der nackte Wahnsinn
Holzfäller in
Der Zauberer der Smaragdenstadt
Paul Romanovicz, Marko Fehring, Heiner Liliencron in
Das Tierreich
Mackie Messer in
Die Dreigroschenoper