Société Anonyme

Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll (Berlin) / Artists in Residence
Lights on, clear the stage! In the theater, people step into the light, presenting us with an idea of the world. But what about people who shy away from the limelight? With concerns that need the protection of anonymity, like democracy needs the urn? How can the intimacy of conversations be transferred to the theater after the lights go out?
With eyes closed, we listen carefully. Whether in confession, in the darkroom, in chat forums, on the phone, or during a power outage: without light and face, space emerges for a side of society that shuns glamour.
In "Société Anonyme," darkness grants stories and narrators protection from shame, fear, and judgment. From the dark web to telephone counselling, behind the veil of the hijab or the darkened window of a limousine, with whistleblowers and the hacker group Anonymous. In the darkroom, the image of a different public develops. Stefan Kaegi stages a play with invisible performers in which the audience is led into the underexposed areas of coexistence.

Stefan Kaegi grew up in Switzerland, studied philosophy in Basel, art in Zurich and applied theater studies in Giessen. He directs documentary theater pieces, urban space productions and radio plays in various constellations, most of which are published under the label Rimini Protokoll, which he founded together with Helgard Haug and Daniel Wetzel. "Société Anonyme" is a production of the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, which will be adapted for the Leipzig Residenz.

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Leipzig-Premiere on 23.04.2024


Mit: Live-Musikerin Gül Pridat und anonymen Stimmen
Concept and directing: Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll
Music: Arvild Joh. Baud
Stage: Aljoscha Begrich
Dramaturgy: Aljoscha Begrich, Ludwig Haugk
Accompaniment & stage assistance: Paula Doerksen, Martina Vermaaten
Research collaboration: Morín Alejandra González Mena
Technical Management & Lighting Design Touring: Joscha Eckert
Sound Operator Touring: Fabian Tombers
Production Management Touring: Juliane Männel, Lara Fischer


"Société Anonyme" is a production of the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, adapted by Rimini Protokoll for the Residenz at Schauspiel Leipzig.

Rimini Apparat is supported within the framework of concept funding by the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.