Sign language can enhance theatre aesthetics. Schauspiel Leipzig is convinced of this and it has joined the German Federal Cultural Foundation’s network “pik – Programm für inclusive Kunstpraxis (Programme for Inclusive Artistic Practice)”. Together, they strive to make their performances attractive to people who communicate via sign language.
Over the previous seasons, several productions were simultaneously translated into German Sign Language on the Main Stage: “Arabella oder Die Märchenbraut” (2022 /23) on the side of the stage and “
Romeo und Julia” (2023 / 24) with so-called shadow interpreting, where the interpreters move across the set alongside the cast. In future, German Sign Language will not only be an inclusive service but become integrated into the repertory as a part of the staging so that there will be performances featuring sign language at regular intervals.
In the staging of the commissioned play “
Altbau in zentraler Lage. Eine Schaueroper” by Raphaela Bardutzky, which will be produced at Diskothek this season, experts for German Sign Language will contribute to a production staged in spoken as well as signed language with a cast that includes both deaf performers and interpreters. More projects and performances in sign language are in the planning stages.
The following productions will be offered with sign language during the 2024 / 25 season: