„Let´s talk about money“: ­BBF_Talkshow feat. LASSIE

#BBF_Productions a.k.a. Franny Fränzen und Trex Bubbletea
#BBF present a scripted and improvised, frenzied and frivolous talk show about money with real experts and the wonderful house band LASSIE. Please fasten your seat belts!
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By and with: Franziska Braun, Theresa Ehrenberg a.k.a. Franny Fränzen und Trex Bubbletea
Guests: Christin Stangner, Lukas Holfeld, Martina Schöne-Radunski
Capitalist: Maik Hummel
Photographer: Patrick Liebach
Live-Music: Lassie
DJ: Lise Sutter
Dramaturgical advice: Matthias Huber